Since March is Women's History Month. I would like to pay tribute to the ladies in my life that have inspired me, both living and non-living.
Great Grandma Martha Brian, who I am lucky to be named after!
She was an amazing woman that lived well over 100. She drank Diet Dr. Pepper until the day she died. She always had a story to tell us when we would come over. She had a darling house on about 6th East and 10 South with shaggy carpet and an old organ. She always had cookies and Bugles for us to eat and toys that my grandma used to play with when they were our age. I admire her so much!
Grandma Ermon Larsen
Grandma, where can I start? She is proably one of the most kindest, thoughtful person you'll ever meet. I was lucky to have lived there when I was born for a couple of months until our home was done. I've always thought of their home as a second house. You know when youre there because youre being asked a thousand questions if youre hungry or whats going on in your life. As a kids we would play "little people" and cars while her and my grandpa had their two tvs going on in the background with golf on. At her house is where I learned my first swear word "shit" thats my grandmas go to word for anything. She is the best!
Grandma Pauline Bailey
I wish you were still here with us. You were an incredible woman. You raised six kids while working and being a wife. You taught me many things about life. I'll always remember painting your coffee table purple with a feather, having sleep overs in your enormous bed, playing dress ups in your jewlrey, and helping you decorate for the holidays.
Aunt Brenda, Aunt Lisa, Aunt Leslee, Aunt Penni, Aunt Lynn, Aunt Debbie,
Aunt Liz, Aunt Marie, Aunt Sue, Aunt Egie, Aunt Jenny, and of course Aunt Laura
All of my aunts are amazing woman. They stretch from Kennewick, Washington to Dallas, Texas. They have taught me so many things and are wonderful women! I love seeing them whenever I do. Theyve raised the best first and second cousins I could ask for!
Alyson, Jude, Eva, Denise, Heidi, Jan, Theresa, and Diane
My neighbors are amazing! They have pratically been my 2nd mothers. Some have been my young women leaders and I am so greatful for their testimonies! I love them so much!
all my [xi] babes and Vicki
Thank you for being there! I love coming every week and seeing all of your beautiful faces! We have so much fun together and I admire you all!
My siiiister, Elizabeth
This is your shout out! You have been an amazing example to me! I've looked up to my whole life! And I love it when you walk up here with Sammers and you have her wake me up. Thank you for all you have done and all the clothes I have stolen with out you knowing... I couldnt have asked for a better sister! I love you!
Lorbot, Lor, Lori, or Mom
I admire you the most! You keep teaching me new things everyday and I can already see traits of you coming out in me. You are the Mormon Martha Stewart, you know how to do everything perfectly. I love going shopping with you or even watching old TCM movies with you. Thank you for all that you have done for me! I love you!!