Tuesday, May 31, 2011

let the summer vacations begin!

Finally, finally, finally its summer!! This is one of my most anticipated time of the year. I cant wait to be done with school, even though that was a month ago. I cant wait to get up to Bear Lake. I cant wait to be tan. I cant wait to wear swim suits 24/7. And I cant mainly wait to go on summer vacations! My first one started off with a five day trip down to Orlando, Florida to see one of my best friends be a Princess in Disneyworld! Sadly her princess training didnt being until we go down there but...we did get to see her as a Baby Einstein character...needless to say it was so much better than seeing her as a princess.

My next vacation will actually happen tomorrow. My whole Larsen side is traveling up to Kenne-the land of yes-wick, Washington to see our cousin graduate from high school. I can not wait!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Water for Elephants

Okay so I lied when I said that I was having a hard time trying to find another book to read after The Help. Lauren one of my best friends said that she was reading Water for Elephants and that it was amazing and that after shes is done that I can borrow her copy and then we can go see the movie after. Can I just tell you how amazing it was? I love historical fiction, and I love when books go back and forth from different years. I could hardly put the book down. The characters were amazing, and the plot was amazing. We went and saw the movie on Saturday  night and there was a lot of things different from the book like usual, but oh my heck Robert Pattinson...mmmmmmm and him and Resse Witherspoon made the cutest couple ever! And Christoph Waltz was perfect for August! If you haven't read this book you should!

Make It Work

On Saturday the Lucky store at the Gateway was holding a book signing for Tim Gunn. I was sooooooooooooo excited to actually go and meet a person that I adore, If any of you don't know who Tim Gunn is he is a mentor on Project Runway and the most amazing fashionista ever, anyways I even went out and bought his book for him to sign. Well unpleasantly my mom, Lauren, and I arrived at the Lucky store started to wait in line. After a couple of minutes I started to notice that everyone was holding a huge Lucky bag so then I started to freak out. My mom went in to investigate after a good 5 minutes she came out and said that the deal was that you had to spend $100 in the store and you'll receive a free Tim Gunn book and be able to get a picture with him. Who the heck would spend $100 in a lucky store? I'm sorry but I'm not that big of a fan of it. Ive never been able to find something from there that I adore enough to buy. So unfortunately I did not get a picture with him, I returned by book to Barnes and Noble. But I was lucky enough to take pictures far away.
 Thank you Mood!